June 15, 2024
Featured News Politics

India inks six crucial agreements with Australia  



In a move which is likely to give worries to the Chinese government, strengthening the Indo-Australian bilateral relations, the Indian government has signed six crucial agreements with its Australian counterpart. It is said that India and Australia is equally worried about China’s expansion plans in the South China Sea. Many feel that both countries should develop a good bilateral relation in order to counter the threat posed by the Asia’s most populous country. With Australian Prime Ministers Malcolm Turnbull’s visit to India, a major impetus has been gained in that direction. During the discussion session between Indian PM Narendra Modi and his Australian counterpart, counterterrorism, defence ties and uranium import were the top subjects in the table. By the end of the session, a consensus has been achieved in almost all matters tabled. While speaking to the reporters, after the session, the Australian supremo asserted that his government would work closely with India in several areas including nuclear energy.

PM Modi has welcomed the clearance of the Civil Nuclear Transfers of India Act in the Australian Parliament. It is learned that a joint maritime exercise is likely to be conducted by the two navy forces in near future. Experts say that the Indo-Australian relation will help both the countries equally as they share common interests and plans in many sectors. There is a huge Indian diaspora living in Australia. Moreover, there are many Indian origin people having Australian citizens living in the country. Australia is still a most popular destination to those Indian students who wish to pursue world-class education. On the other hand, Australia is definitely attracted by India’s huge population and sees it is a good market. So, Australia will always push for a free trade agreement with the world’s largest democratic country which has been upholding liberal economic policy since 1991.




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