June 14, 2024

Sri Lankan president extends emergency

The Sri Lankan president, Maithripala Sirisena, has extended the state of emergency imposed in the country on the wake of the Easter Day attacks, unjustifiably backing up from his promise to a group of foreign diplomats that he would let the emergency embrace its natural end on June 22.

Notably, the president has not made any attempt to justify his latest decision with any convincing argument so far.

The decision to extend the emergency has come as a surprise. Many in the Island country have expressed their dissatisfaction through various platforms.

The emergency gives enormous powers to the Sri Lankan security forces and police. It empowers them to conduct searches and arrests even without proper warrants.

Earlier, while interacting with the foreign diplomats, the Sri Lankan president claimed that the situation in the country was under control and the country would allow the natural end of the emergency proclaimed in the name of protecting the internal security of the country.

At this moment, it remains unclear why the Sri Lankan president has walked away from his promise to the foreign diplomats.

It was recently only the Island country embraced peace in the true sense. Until the year 2009, it was under the clutches of a terrible Civil War between the LTTE and the country’s forces.

It is unfortunate that the country has not reached in good terms with peace yet. It exposes the flaws in the peace-building process it follows.

Photo Courtesy: Google/ images are subject to copyright


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