July 2, 2024
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Maharashtra Cancels 70 Pub Licences, Installs AI Cameras in Pune Eateries After Fatal Porsche Crash

In response to the tragic Porsche crash in Pune that resulted in the deaths of two young IT professionals, Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis announced the cancellation of 70 pub licenses and the installation of AI-powered cameras in eateries across Pune. The cameras will monitor closing times and verify the age of patrons to prevent underage drinking. Fadnavis, addressing the state assembly, emphasized the proactive measures taken by the police and dismissed the Opposition’s allegations of corruption and negligence.

Opposition leader Vijay Waddetiwar accused Pune of becoming a drug haven, likening it to “Udta Punjab” and questioning the police’s role in allowing an unregistered car to operate for six months. Fadnavis refuted these claims, defending the Pune Police Commissioner and detailing the thorough investigation conducted. He noted that the police acted promptly, adding serious charges against the 17-year-old driver involved in the crash and arresting several individuals, including a doctor, for tampering with evidence.

The crash, which occurred on May 19, saw the underage driver, who had been drinking to celebrate his exam results, ram a speeding Porsche into a two-wheeler, instantly killing the two riders. The incident sparked outrage, particularly over the initial lenient bail granted to the teen. Following public outcry, he was sent to a remand home, and further legal action was taken against his family members and the bar operator for their roles in the incident.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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