June 28, 2024
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Bank deputy manager found hanged; Name of the IPS officer in the suicide note

Deputy director of Punjab National Bank found hanged. Shraddha Gupta, 32, was found dead at her residence near the Faizabad branch in Uttar Pradesh. Police said two IPS officers were charged in the suicide note found at the residence. The incident was informed by the milkman who arrived at the residence in the morning after the door did not open. She was found dead when the door was forcibly opened.

Ayodhya Police Senior SP Shailesh Pandey said the investigation into the suicide was progressing. Shraddha joined the service in 2015 as a senior clerk. Later she wrote the departmental examination and reached the position of Deputy Manager. Shraddha Gupta is unmarried, police said. The suicide note named IPS officer Ayodhya SSP Ashish Tiwari, another policeman Anil Rawat and the woman’s fiance Vivek Gupta. However, it is not clear what the charges against them are.

Shraddha is a native of Rajajipuram, Lucknow. Vivek Gupta has been taken into police custody and is being questioned. The girl’s relative said all three were mentally disturbed by the attention. SP leader Akhilesh Yadav has termed the role of an IPS officer in the death of a bank deputy manager as “serious” and said the incident was an example of the deteriorating law and order situation in UP.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright to copyright


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