June 30, 2024
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Congress set to articulate ‘New Media Strategy’


In order to counter the BJP’s aggressive media campaigns, the Congress Party, who recently got a progressive supremo, is set to articulate a ‘New Media Strategy’.

As part of the new media strategy, the post of party spokespersons will be filled with those talented persons who have the caliber to use their communication skills to propagate the party’s policies, ideologies and opinions in the public platforms such as media discussions, press conferences and public interactions.

According to the information, the professional spokespersons would be used in the run-up to the Karnataka Assembly Election.

A national media has reported that the communication team of All India Congress Committee recently interviewed nearly three hundred people for the post of Karnataka media spokespersons.

As per the report, most of those who attended the interview were party workers, professionals, party loyalists and party sympathizers.

In the report, it has been said that Priyanka Chaturvedi and Radhika Khera were in the prime interviewers who interviewed those who came forward showing willingness to assume the powerful posts.

Advocate Veena Gowda and Nagaraj Yadav were the prominent party workers who took part in the interview.

It is learned that in the coming days similar interviews are likely to take place in each and every state.


Vignesh. S. G

Photo Courtesy: Google/ images are subject to copyright 


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