July 6, 2024
Latest News

Danish PM apologises to victims of abuse in state-run homes

The Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, has apologised to the victims of abuse in the state-run homes.

The unfortunate incident happened between the year 1945 and 1976. During this period, several residents of the state-run homes were subjected to abuse. The residents suffered physical, and psychological abuse. They also underwent drug abuse. Even the residents were used for drug testing.   

It came to limelight when a documentary created in the early 2000s exposed the issue. After that, an organisation was created for those who suffered the abuse in the homes.

The organisation has spearheaded several activities to bring the attention of public into the issue. A special investigation team, which was created to investigate the issue, has supported the story line narrated by the documentary. The apology that has been received now is the outcome of the years-old relentless fight of the organisation for justice.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subjected to copyright


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