July 6, 2024
Featured News Politics

India to resume ‘Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue’ with Pakistan

After a brief break, the Indian government is planning to strengthen the bilateral relations with the Pakistan government. Reports say that Indian foreign secretary and his Pakistan counterpart is expected to meet here on today on the sideline of the Heart of Asia conference, which is organised by our country to discuss Afghanistan. According to reports, several top foreign officials of Asian region are expected to attend the function on Today. Meanwhile, it is learned that Indian and Pakistani representatives will organise a private meeting to deliberate on the major issues like bilateral relations, Pathankot attack investigation and new developments. Notably, the Pathankot probe is said to the major focus of the Indo-Pak personal meeting. Since PM Modi’s surprise visit to Pakistan on last year, the Indian government could not maintain the strength of bilateral relations due to various reasons including Pathankot terror attack. Anyway, Pakistan foreign secretory would have reached the country on today morning and will return to his country on evening. Media reported as Indian officials as saying; the top foreign officials of both countries will discuss about terrorism and the possibility of sending an investigative team to Pakistan to Probe Pathankot attack. In addition, they will deliberate on need for Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue and ways to re-establish the process. However, it is learned that the Indian and Pakistan authorities are trying to develop an effective back-channel dialogue mechanism.



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