June 29, 2024
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Kathak legend Pandit Birju Maharaj has passed away

Legendary Kathak Dancer Pandit Birju Maharaj has passed away. He died of a heart attack at his home in Delhi. He was 83 years old. The country honored Pandit Birju Maharaj, popularly known as Pandit Ji and Maharaj ji, with the Padma Vibhushan. Pandit Ji fell ill while dancing with his grandson on Sunday night. Pandit Ji’s health deteriorated after he lost consciousness.

He was rushed to hospital but died later. Pandit G, who was suffering from kidney problems, was undergoing dialysis a few days back. From the Maharaj family of Kathak artists, Pandit Ji became one of the most famous Kathak dancers in the country. He also excelled in instrumental music. The tabla and the day were his favorite musical instruments. He also excelled in Tumri, Dadra, Bhajan and Ghazal. She was born in 1938 in Lucknow.

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