July 2, 2024
Health & beauty

Keep your head cool, avoid hair loss

Keep your head cool, avoid hair loss

The temperature this year has been boiling our heads, leading to the one thing that women fear the most, hair loss. Even though men develop Alopecia, they are not extremely cautious about that condition particularly in terms of appearance. Hair is seen as the perfect decoration for feminine beauty, like an attractive curtain in a house. Along with tight work schedules, humidity and high temperature contribute to the amount of stress that women go through during summer. There are several aspects that leads to hair loss, like genes, diseases, lifestyle etc. Since summer is heating the earth up, here are some tips that help you endure and save your luxurious hair:

  1. An oil massage is worth it

It helps in rejuvenating the senses, and cools your head.And, it is very good for the hair growth. Apply warm hair oil to the scalp and massage as per your comfort. Have yourself immersed into that cool experience. Do it three times a week, oil will help in making the hair roots strong and at the same time it will increase the blood circulation in the brain. Wash your hair every day in cool water, avoid hot water during bath.

  1. Say hello to your little friends, nutrients

Proper diet is very necessary to have peaceful life during summer season. Since the word “diet” is used in the context of health and beauty several times, the benefits are profound and usefulness is justified. Having calcium, minerals and other protein rich nutrients will help in making the hair strands thick and at the same time, it will help a great deal in prevention process. Have nuts and fruits, plenty of leafy vegetables, legumes, eggs and milk.

  1. Keep Drinking

Water is  everywhere but one may procrastinate when it comes to proper hydration methods. Our state is blessed with proper supply of water so cherish it as much as you could. Drink a glass of water every 45 minutes. Do not wait till you are drained. Water helps in increasing blood circulation and it is also beneficial in moisturising process, and in giving your hair roots great leverage. At the same time, it helps in washing out harmful toxins from your body.

  1. Avoid chemicals

It is very difficult for us to follow this rule, particularly in these days. One is often forced to wash their hair with shampoo and otherschemical solutions due to mounting dust pollutant particles in our atmosphere. However, instead of shampoo, use natural ingredients like Aloe vera juice and wheat grass. The idea is to have a clean scalp. Using chemicals can have its own perks so stick to natural materials.

  1. Trimming

Trim your hair every by a 1mm length to cut the hair splits away. It is very helpful in growth process and it may also prevent dryness. It is recommended for both men and women. A good hair cut can help in overcoming the heat, especially at back side of the neck. Women can also avoid the sensation of blazing sun by covering their hair with light coloured shawl or scarf. Give a small head massage occasionally for letting out the heat waves from your head.

These processes will definitely help you overcome your summer fear, even while working. Enjoy!

Photo Courtesy : Google/ images are subject to copyright


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