July 3, 2024
Home Posts tagged health tips (Page 2)

Natural remedies for UTI

Urinary Tract Infection is a most common disease condition seen in human beings. It is mostly seen in women, than in men. Normally, the infection in any part of Ureter and Urethra is called the UTI. Pain in the flank, abdomen or pelvic area, pressure in the lower pelvis, abnormal urination and painful urination are […]Continue Reading

Tips to tackle ‘High Blood Pressure’

Non-communicable diseases are more dangerous than communicable diseases. High blood pressure is one such fatal non-communicable disease. It is also a lifestyle disease. Tens of thousands of people die in the country every year due to the health ailments related to the high blood pressure. Health experts say that the high blood pressure is the […]Continue Reading

Natural ways to fight ‘Asthma’

Asthma is a serious disease. Nowadays, it is a very common disease among youngsters and children. Atmosphere pollution is the prime reason for the rapid rise in asthma-related cases. The disease is partially curable. Modern medicines help to contain this disease condition to an extent. Noteworthy, some, who are undergoing this disease condition, say that the […]Continue Reading