June 14, 2024
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Soon after the CBI searched, Karti Chidambaram tweeted, “I have lost count”

Karti Chidambaram, who is being investigated for alleged bribery in a new case, tweeted today that he has “lost count” of the number of cases filed against him. Mr Chidambaram made the remarks after the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) searched multiple residential and official locations linked to him today.

“I’ve lost track of how many times this has happened. It has to be a record, “In a cryptic Tweet, he said. Around seven locations linked to Karti Chidambaram, his associate Bhaskaraman, and others are reportedly being searched.

The searches are taking place in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu, where Karti Chidambaram was elected to the Lok Sabha from.

The CBI has alleged that Karti Chidambaram received a bribe of Rs 50 lakh to facilitate visas for 250 Chinese nationals during the UPA regime, according to officials.

Karti Chidambaram is being investigated by the CBI in several cases, including one filed on May 15, 2017 in connection with irregularities in a Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) clearance granted to INX Media Group for receiving 305 crore in overseas funds in 2007, while P Chidambaram was the Union Finance Minister. Following that, the Enforcement Directorate filed a money laundering complaint. Based on an FIR filed by the CBI, the economic offences watchdog filed a PMLA (Prevention of Money Laundering Act) case alleging irregularities in the FIPB clearance to INX media.

Picture Courtesy: Google/Images are subject to copyright


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