June 25, 2024
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A Sudden Death Leads To Focus On Risky Hair Transplants In India

Athar Rasheed, a balding Indian television executive, only wanted to appear good and get married. However, the 30-year-ostensibly old’s safe hair transplant ended terribly.

Women have been scrutinised on their beauty for millennia, but males are now feeling pressure to seem young and appealing as well out of fear of losing their social position in India’s increasingly materialistic society. As disposable incomes increase and the importance of one’s looks increases, more and more men who are prematurely going bald choose to have hair transplants.

However, in an industry with lax regulations, the procedure, which is occasionally carried out by amateurs who self-taught themselves on YouTube, can be fatal. Rasheed worked as the only provider for his family and desired a better life, including owning a home and marrying his two sisters.

His distressed mother Asiya Begum, 62, told AFP that he had sepsis after receiving a hair transplant at a clinic in Delhi last year. His skull began to swell, and he was in excruciating pain.

“My son died a very painful death. His kidneys stopped functioning and then all his other organs collapsed,” she said, breaking down.

India’s National Medical Commission issued a warning in September after becoming concerned about the proliferation of clinics that frequently provide poor care at low pricing.

It stated that watching in workshops, on YouTube, or on similar platforms was insufficient preparation for beginning cosmetic operations, including hair transplantation.

It noted that only doctors with the necessary training should carry out such treatments.

Plastic surgeon Singh emphasised the importance of properly following the rules.

Doctor Lakshmi Narayanan, who for years avoided attending social functions due to his baldness, is one of his many satisfied clients.

Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright


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