July 7, 2024
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Coronavirus Outbreak: Civic Officials to Adopt Dharavi Families

In an offer to help Dharavi inhabitants who are confronting budgetary emergency due to the coronavirus-authorized lockdown, a senior city official has thought of a novel idea of receiving families from the regulation zones of Mumbai’s slum region for next few months.

The thought is to ‘Embrace a Family’ from Dharavi slums, where the coronavirus cases have gone more than 150, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation’s G-north ward right hand magistrate Kiran Dighavkar said. As a prudent step, a few zones of Dharavi have been fixed and announced a control zones, from where no family can go out even to purchase basic things, he said.

“If one individual receives five families from Dharavis ghetto territory for the following couple of months, it will be an extraordinary assistance in our battle against the coronavirus. These individuals are monetarily pushed. In the event that these families are embraced, they won’t require to come out on avenues during the lockdown,” Dighavkar said.

“Already, some global organizations and corporates are circulating nourishment parcels in Dharavi. On the off chance that we rope in individuals who can deal with these families, the BMC can connect with more individuals in the control zones,” he said.

Some territories of Dharavi go under the high hazard classification due to the thick populace and little houses, the authority said. The chance factor additionally increments as these individuals are stressed over their future and will in general come out of their homes looking for some work.

“Once they are guaranteed of supply of nourishment grains, vegetables and medications at ordinary interims, they won’t come out on boulevards,” the authority said. The cost of one family’s prerequisite of nourishment grains, vegetables, consumable oil, leafy foods for 15 days is around Rs 5,000, he said.

We are going to hold a gathering with nearby police authorities to work out the arrangement, he added. Dharavi is one of the greatest ghetto regions in Asia. Almost 15 lakh individuals live in this exceptionally clogged territory of Mumbai.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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