July 2, 2024
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Former IPL Chief Lalit Modi Hospitalised, Put On Oxygen Support

After suffering from pneumonia and a corona infection, the former IPL chairman Lalit Modi was brought to the hospital and put on external oxygen support. This information was shared by Mr. Modi on Instagram.

He said that he contracted Covid twice in the span of two weeks and that he now has “deep pneumonia,” for which he was admitted to the hospital.

“After 3 weeks in confinement with a double Covid in 2 weeks accompanied by influenza and deep pneumonia – and post trying several times to leave. Finally landed via air ambulance accompanied by two doctors and a superstar super-efficient son who did so much for me back in London. The flight was smooth. Unfortunately, still on 24/7 external oxygen. Thank u to all at @vistajet for going the extra mile. I am extremely grateful to all. Love to all. Big hug,” Modi tweeted on Friday.

Lalit Modi claimed via Instagram that he was deported from Mexico to London after three weeks of detention.

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