July 7, 2024
Featured News

Govt plans to bring in some radical changes in elementary education sector

With the advent of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the Right to Education, the elementary education sector of India has expanded exponentially. But, the big question is: has the standard of the education increased accordingly.Now, introducing the bill mandating the teachers working in the Indian schools must acquire the required qualification such as D.El, D.Ed, B.El and B. Ed before March 31, 2019, to retain the post after the prescribed time limit, the central government is trying to bring in the professionalism element in the elementary education sector which is at the moment lacking it. The Compulsory Education (Amendment) Bill, 2017, has been passed in the Lok Sabha. In the near future, it will be sent to the Rajya Sabha. If it does not suffer any serious criticism or disapproval in the upper house, it will be forwarded to the President for his assent. Apart from this bill, the Detention Bill is the other major policy that the government is trying to introduce in the elementary education sector. By introducing the new detention policy, the central government is reviewing the non-detention policy of the UPA government. It seems that the BJP led government is showing serious interest in bringing revolutionary changes in the educational sector in order to make the future of the country more bright, safe and promising. The elementary education is the base of the education sector. No compromise should be made of the quality of the education that we are getting at the elementary level. Experts say that if we make such compromises, no guarantee can be given to the giant building that we attempt to erect on that basement.


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