June 23, 2024
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Senior Bureaucrats Arrested in Nagpur for Murder Over Property Dispute

Nagpur police have arrested senior bureaucrats Archana Puttewar and her brother Prashant Parlewar, along with four others, for the murder of Puttewar’s 82-year-old father-in-law, Puroshattam Puttewar. The murder, which was initially staged as a hit-and-run, stemmed from a property dispute over assets worth over Rs 40 crore. The victim was deliberately run over by Neeraj Nimje on May 22, following two prior attempts to injure him.

Detailed investigations revealed that the crime was orchestrated by Archana Puttewar, the assistant director of town planning, with the aid of her brother, the director of MSME Nagpur. They hired Nimje, Sachin Dharmik, and Archana’s driver Sarthak Bagde, while her secretary Payal Nageshwar managed the finances for the plot. CCTV footage and call records played crucial roles in unearthing the conspiracy, leading to the arrests between June 4 and June 10.

Nagpur Police Commissioner Ravinder Singhal stated that the conspirators intended only to incapacitate Puroshattam but resorted to murder after initial attempts failed. The case has expanded with further investigation into the mysterious deaths of four other family members, indicating possible foul play.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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