June 18, 2024
Featured News

Centre finds fund-misuse in Teesta’s NGO, cancels licence

 The NDA-led central government has cancelled the licence given to the Teesta Setalvad’s NGO after finding wide misuse of the foreign funds. As per report, the home ministry found that she had used the foreign funds received by the Non-Governmental Organisation to meet her personal needs. The authorities reportedly confirmed that she had misused the fund by spending it on personal utensils like sanitary napkins, earbuds and many more. It is found that her NGO had extensively violated the guidelines issued by the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. A national media reported that the social activist used nearly twelve lakh rupee from the NGO funds to meet their personal payments.

As per law, the NGOs cannot use the foreign fund for any other purpose other than designated purpose for which the money is allotted by the funding agency. Interestingly, the report published by the Home Ministry has failed to mention when did Teesta made these personal shopping. Notably, her NGO, Sabrang Trust, has not received any foreign fund in the recent past. In 2012, the NGO got a mere sum of fifty lakh from the Ford Foundation. Teesta is a renowned civil right activist and journalist. She is the secretory of CJP, Citizens for Justice and Peace. CJP is the prime fighting force against the communal violence in the country. It seeks strong action against the perpetrators of the 2002 Gujarat riot. Critics claim that the rightist party is trying to supress all democratic voices through force and arrogance. They strongly suspect that the cases and actions against Teesta and her NGO are politically motivated.



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