June 17, 2024
Featured News

Malegaon case: Maha govt challenges NIA court’s decision

The Maharashtra government has challenged the NIA court’s verdict on the infamous Malegaon blast case. The special NIA court had recently acquitted nearly eight persons in the case citing lack of evidence against the suspects. Anyway, the public prosecutor at the behest of the Maharashtra government has submitted a petition seeking review of the verdict. They reportedly challenged the court’s decision to acquit the suspects of all crime charges. In September 2006, two bombs placed on a bicycle had blasted near a Mosque at Malegaon. The case was initially probed by the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorist Squad. They arrested nine Muslim youth immediately after the incident. They claimed that the arrested persons were closely associated with a Muslim student organisation, Students Islamic Movement of India. The ATS named nearly twelve people including a Pakistan national in the chargesheet. All eight suspects have already spent nearly five year imprisonment. Meanwhile, around four others including the Pakistani are declared absconders according to the ATS report. Meanwhile, the government insisted CBI to probe the case, and later the NIA acquired the case from the Central Bureau of Investigation. Subsequently, after conducting a detailed investigation, the National Investigative Agency reported the court they have not found any evidence against the eight suspects named in the chargesheet. Later, the court acquitted the eight suspects of all charges pasted on them by the investigational authorities. Nearly thirty seven people had been killed and over one-hundred and twenty five people injured in the terrible blast that jolted the entire Maharashtra.


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