June 26, 2024
Latest News

Pakistan forces Jadhav to parrot its version

India last day alleged that Pakistan had forced former Indian navy officer Kulbhushan Jadhav, who is in the custody of Islamabad at present, to parrot the version supportive to the stand taken by them.

Pakistan recently allowed consular access to Mr Jadhav against its earlier stand, as the International Court of Justice directed them to respect the right of the arrested to receive the assistance of consular access.

The International court revoked the death sentence awarded to the Indian national on the charges of espionage by a military court in Pakistan.

India and Pakistan are not in a good relation now. India is unhappy with the Pakistan’s disinterest to eliminate the terrorist training centres situated in their territory close to the Line of Control. India believes that Pakistan uses terrorists as a tool to destabilise the world’s largest democratic country.

India denounces the Pakistan version in Jadhav’s case. As per the Indian view, Mr Jadhav is a former Indian naval officer who was abducted from Iran by Pakistan.

The latest developments indicate that the relationship between India and Pakistan is likely to move from bad to worse in the coming days.

Pakistan should take a humanitarian stand on Jadhav’s case. Mr Jadhav should be brought out of Pakistan and the trial in the case should be conducted in a third country acceptable to both India and Pakistan if Pakistan is serious about offering justice to the Indian national.

Photo Courtesy: Google/ images are subject to copyright


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