June 18, 2024

Bengaluru airport to use face recognition technology instead of tickets soon

Bangalore airportAs an initiative of go-green concept, most of us are aware that the Indian Railway (IR) was the first governmental enterprise to go paperless around 2011. IR catering and tourism division, IRCTC developed a mechanism wherein the passengers are not required to carry a physical copy of their tickets back in October 2011. And after seven years later, Bengaluru International Airport has decided to take the same initiative. 

Bengaluru International Airport will soon have face recognition facility for the passengers of the certain airline where they create the boarding process paperlessly.

“Biometric technology will be able to identify passengers by their face on the move, in a way it subdues repeated presentation boarding processes of collecting the passes, check of passports or either physical identity documents.” The Airport authorities have assigned the project with Lisbon based biometric solution service, Vision-Box to execute this tech feature at the airport.

Post-installation and activation, Bengaluru Airport will be the first airport in India to have a complete solution for paperless air travel.


Photo Courtesy : Google/ images are subject to copyright   


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