May 2, 2024

Laser show at Rajendra Maidan back again

downloadThe laser show at Rajendra Maidan is going to restart soon.

The laser once was operated in a period of previous administration council of GCDA (Greater Cochin Development Authority). Was later stopped after a whirl of debate clasped to financial liabilities.

The new administration council decided to restart the show. Assigned to a private company who would be managing the later show. The area is renovated for the show and has been refurbished the rusted iron pipes and another damaged accessory.

The new team have agreed to manage the event by assigning a fixed amount to GCDA every month and also the show would run for free for the audience. There would also be a cafeteria in the ground.

The renovated laser event is scheduled to inaugurate by minister K T Jaleel on Tuesday at 6:30 PM


Photo Courtesy: Google/ images are subject to copyright   


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