June 26, 2024
Featured News

Partnership Between Sony and Marvel

Partnership Between Sony and Marvel - Unique Times

Partnership Between Sony and Marvel – Unique Times

Sony Pictures and Marvel Studies have reached a deal to partner on the next installment of the $4 billion Spider-Man franchise, uniting the web-slinging superhero with Marvel’s comic book universe.Kevin Feige, president of Walt Disney Co’s Marvel Studios, will co-produce the next film set for July2017 release with Sony’s Amy Pascal, according to a statement from the firms.Under the agreement, the Spider-Man will also appear in an upcoming Marvel film, and Marvelcharacters, which include Iron Man, Thor and Captain America, could appear in later Spider-Manfilms, the statement said.Sony Pictures Entertainment, a division of Sony Corp, will continue to own the cinematic rights toSpider-Man, a Marvel superhero, the statement said.

Denisha Sahadevan


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