June 24, 2024
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Protests spread to other states when violence erupted in Bihar over the ‘Agnipath’ scheme

For the second day in a row, protests against Agnipath, a radical recruitment scheme for the armed forces, became violent as Army aspirants stopped train and road traffic in several parts of Bihar. Baton-wielding protestors smashed the intercity express train’s glass windows and set one coach on fire at Bhabhua Road railway station. They held a banner that read “Indian Army Lovers” and shouted chants opposing the new recruitment policy.

Students flung stones at police officers in Jehanabad, wounding many individuals, including cops who chased them away from the railway tracks where they had camped to impede rail operations. The police and protesting students pelted stones at one other in dramatic pictures from the railway station. To frighten the protestors away, the cops pointed their rifles at them.To disperse a large gathering of protestors who threw stones at police at Arrah’s railway station, police had to use tear gas shells. Rail workers were seen using fire extinguishers to put out a fire started by demonstrators who threw furniture on the rails and lit it ablaze.

In Nawada, a group of young men set fire to tyres at a public crossing and chanted slogans calling for the tour of duty plan to be repealed. They also burned tyres on the railway tracks at Nawada station and blocked the tracks. Images from the scene show a large throng destroying railway property and hurling expletives at Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Many people can be seen doing pushups on the train rails while cops use a handheld public address system to plead for calm.The tour of duty system, Agnipath, advocates the contractual enlistment of jawans for a four-year period, followed by compulsory retirement for the majority of them without gratuity or pension benefits. The government’s hefty pay and pension expenditures will be reduced as a result of the new recruitment plan, which will free up funds for arms procurement.

The new policy has been met with criticism and questions from a variety of sources, including veterans. Critics argue that a four-year term will dampen the ranks’ fighting spirit and make them risk-averse.

“Two significant recommendations to the just-announced recruitment policy for the armed services; a. Increase the service period of new recruits to a minimum of seven years b. Make the retention of those wanting to stay longer at least 50%,” tweeted Major General BS Dhanoa (retired).

Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright


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