July 7, 2024
Featured News

Singer Chris Brown Charged With Punching a Fan

chris_brown_arrested_squareGrammy-winning singer Chris Brown pleaded guilty on Tuesday to misdemeanor assault and told a court he was sorry for breaking the nose of a fan when the man tried to thrust himself into a picture with the R&B star last year.

The “Turn Up the Music” singer was sentenced in District of Columbia Superior Court to time served in jail, or two days, and was ordered to pay $150 in court costs. Brown, 25, had rejected a similar plea deal in June.

“I would like to say to the court I am sorry,” said Brown, standing next to his attorneys.

Brown had faced six months in jail and a $1,000 fine. But Judge Franklin Burgess Jr. said he would accept a plea bargain that called for a more lenient sentence.

“I feel he has suffered consequences for what he has done here,” Burgess said.

As part of the plea agreement, Brown admitted to punching Parker Adams, 20, when he tried to put himself into other fans’ photo outside Washington’s W Hotel in October 2013.

Brown’s bodyguard Christopher Hollosy, 36, was convicted in April on an assault charge for the same incident. Adams has filed a $1.5 million lawsuit against Brown and Hollosy.

Denisha Sahadevan


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