July 2, 2024
Latest News

Trump’s xenophobic remark receives International condemnation

The xenophobic remark of United States President Donald Trump against some progressive Democratic congresswomen has received International condemnation, with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who is popularly known as an anti-Trump leader, British Prime Minister Theresa May and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is considered as the face of modern progressive faction, expressing their deeper dissatisfaction about the remark, which attracted severe criticism back home in the so called world’s greatest democratic country.

Criticising the remark with which the US president asked the Congresswomen, whose roots are outside the country, to return to the country of their origin, the New Zealand leader has indirectly explained why the US should feel proud of its image as a diverse nation by highlighting her country’s cheerful experience as a diverse nation.

Other International leaders, who has come out strongly against the US president’ remark, has responded in the same line as that of the New Zealand PM.

The unfortunate thing is that the US Prez has not yet bothered to withdraw his remark even though it has received severe criticism inside and outside his country.

A democratic leader has called for the initiation of an impeachment motion against the president. Another has named the Prez as racist.

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