June 28, 2024
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Union Minister Savitri Thakur Criticized for Incorrectly Writing ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ Slogan

In a recent event at a government school in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, Union Minister Savitri Thakur has come under scrutiny after a video surfaced showing her incorrectly writing the ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ slogan in Hindi on a whiteboard. Thakur, who represents the Dhar constituency in Lok Sabha and holds the Ministry of State for Women and Child Development, attended the ‘School Chalo Abhiyan’ event on June 18th as the chief guest.

The incident sparked a heated debate between political parties. Senior Congress leader K K Mishra criticized Thakur, questioning her competency to hold a constitutional post and manage significant government departments. Mishra suggested an amendment to the Constitution to enforce minimum educational qualifications for electoral candidates, highlighting what he described as a systemic issue affecting governance.

In response, BJP leaders defended Thakur, accusing the Congress of targeting her with derogatory remarks and emphasizing her sincere intentions towards public service. Dhar district BJP president Manoj Somani condemned the Congress’s criticism as disrespectful to Thakur’s tribal background, emphasizing her positive impact on the community.

The controversy has reignited discussions on the qualifications and responsibilities of elected officials in India, reflecting broader concerns about literacy and competency in public office. Thakur’s error has prompted calls for a more rigorous scrutiny of candidates’ educational backgrounds in future elections.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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