July 7, 2024
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YSRCP Leader’s Daughter Involved in Fatal Accident in Chennai

Beeda Madhuri, daughter of YSR Congress Party leader and Rajya Sabha MP Beeda Masthan Rao, allegedly ran over a 22-year-old man, Surya, who was sleeping on a pavement near Besant Nagar on Monday evening. The incident, which occurred on Tiger Varadachari Road near Kalakshetra Colony, has sparked outrage as Madhuri was released on station bail after surrendering to the police the following morning. Surya, a painter from Odaikuppam, was declared dead on arrival at the Government Royapettah Hospital.

According to police reports, Surya had an argument with his wife, Vanitha, on Monday and, after consuming alcohol, slept on a nearby pavement. While Vanitha was calling relatives for help, Madhuri’s BMW allegedly ran over Surya. Eyewitnesses reported that two women exited the vehicle briefly, alerted an ambulance, and left the scene as a crowd began to gather. Despite being charged with causing death due to negligence under Section 304A of the Indian Penal Code, Madhuri was granted station bail, which police sources later acknowledged was a procedural error.

The incident has led to significant public outcry, with locals and Surya’s relatives accusing the police of leniency and inaction. A protest ensued at the Shastri Nagar police station, with demands for immediate justice. The crowd was assured of stringent action by the police officers before dispersing. The Adyar traffic investigation unit is currently handling the case.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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