June 1, 2024
Featured News

Documents Stolen From  Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry - Unique Times

Documents Stolen From Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry – Unique Times

Police have arrested five people on charges of stealing official documents from India’s petroleum and natural gas ministry and selling them to energy consultants and companies, the Delhi Police said on Thursday. The police said in a statement they were tipped off that some people were “trespassing” into ministry offices to steal the documents. “Investigations further revealed that the stolen documents were being sold to some individual of private energy consultancy companies,” as well as to those in the petrochemical or energy industry, the statement said. The statement did not reveal any names, but an official at Reliance Industries, one of India’s largest conglomerates, said it had learned one of its officials had been detained in connection with the case. The official said the company was unaware of any other details and is conducting an internal probe.

Denisha Sahadevan


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