June 3, 2024
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TN honour killing row: HC gives directives to protect inter-caste couples

chenGifting relief to the inter-caste couples and lovers, the Madras High Court on last day insisted the Tamil Nadu government to formulate feasible measures to protect the inter-cast couples.

Recently, a lower cast man was hatched to death by some goons in broad daylight for marring an upper cast woman.

The brutal incident triggered wide outcry against the honour killing and inter-caste violence across the country.

On the wake of the unfortunate incident like honour killing and inter-caste atrocities, the current verdict gains enough public attention and acceptance.

Reports say that the court has directed mainly nine suggestions to ensure the protection of the inter-caste couples.

The suggestions include special cell, protection fund, 24 hour helpline, online complaint registration, family counselling, and many more.

The court reportedly demanded that the government must establish a special cell in each and every district with in three months’ time.

It is learned that similar suggestions had been directed by a Punjab court on last year to tackle growing inter-caste atrocities like honour killing in the state.

The petition seeking protection for inter-caste couple was submitted by B. Dilip Kumar, who himself is a living victim of one such cast violence.

Reports say that Mr Dilip’s wife was killed by her parents for marring a person belonging to the schedule cast community.

Earlier, on Mr Dilip’s request, a court has transferred the probe on his wife’s death to Central Bureau of Investigation.



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