June 2, 2024
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Gujarat Assembly Election begins today


The first phase of the crucial Gujarat Assembly Election has marked its beginning today, giving high hopes to both the Congress Party and BJP alike.

In this initial phase, the process of voting is taking place in around eighty-nine constituencies located in Saurashtra and South Gujarat.

For the convenience of the voters, the Election Commission has arranged as many as 24, 689 poll stations across the aforementioned regions.

Notably, at least 977 candidates, including prominent candidates such as Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, BJP State President Jitu Vaghani and Congress leader Arjun Modhvadia, are contesting in this phase.

In at least two dozen constituencies, the state is likely to witness a photo finish or tough competition between the Congress candidate and BJP candidate.

The voting process has begun at 8 am today morning. In all poll stations, the process is likely to end at 6 pm today evening.

Additional security forces have been deployed in all sensitive regions, in order to make sure that people do not face any difficulty in expressing their opinion.

The second or final phase of the Gujarat Assembly Election is going to take place on 14 December, 2017.  Importantly, the counting will happen on 18 December, 2017.

There is no doubt that whole nation is eagerly watching the developments in the Gujarat election, which is considered as the semi-final of the 2019 Parliament Election.


Vignesh. S. G

Photo Courtesy: Google/ images are subject to copyright 


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