June 2, 2024
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World Health Organization (WHO) has called for more clarity on Covaxin without global recognition

The global recognition of Covaxin continues. The central government had hoped that Covaxin would be approved at the World Health Organization (WHO) Technical Advisory Council meeting yesterday. However, the meeting decided to ask bharat biotech for more documents and evidence. The next meeting of the committee is on November 3.

Covaxin is a vaccine developed locally in India. The World Health Organization (WHO) has said it expects Covaxin’s data from July, and that it expects more information from manufacturers.

Covaxin has not yet been approved by many countries. In this case, the decision of the World Health Organization is crucial, but the World Health Organization (WHO) is of the view that the vaccine cannot be said to be safe without conducting a formal study and explicit examination of the data. Covaxin is manufactured by Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech. It has been approved for use in support, but is not approved in the United States or European countries.

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