June 2, 2024
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Do not invade privacy; Jacqueline Fernandez with request

Actress Jacqueline Fernandez reacts to the release of private pictures with Sukesh Chandrasekhar, who was arrested in a financial fraud case. It is an invasion of privacy and individual freedom. So Jacqueline wrote on Instagram that the media and friends should not spread the image.

Jacqueline was questioned by investigators in a financial fraud case. Sukesh reveals that he was in love with the actress. Private pictures of the two were also released. It was after this that Jacqueline came to the scene with the request.

“This country and its people have given me so much love and respect. This includes my media friends. I am currently going through a crisis phase. But I’m sure my friends and fans will understand me. With that belief, I urge my media friends not to spread images that intrude on my privacy. You’ll not do this to your loved ones, I’m sure you will not do this to me. “I hope justice will be done,” Jacqueline wrote on Instagram.

Sukesh and his partner actress Leena Maria Paul are accused in a Rs 200 crore financial fraud case. The two were last arrested last August on charges of embezzling Rs 200 crore from the wife of former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivender, who is in jail on a loan fraud charge. Meanwhile, it was discovered that Sukash had a close relationship with Jacqueline. Jacqueline was later questioned by the Enforcement Directorate for more than seven hours.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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