June 2, 2024
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Covid’s new variant ‘XE’ mutant is more dangerous; World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) says the new variant of Covid, the XE mutant, is more dangerous.
The XE is reported to have 10% more expansion capacity than Omiciron’s BA2 sub variant. The new variant of the XE is currently being rolled out in some parts of the US. The majority of Covid cases currently reported in other countries are BA2 sub variants.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that the most widespread Covid 19 mutant in this new study will be ‘XE’. Meanwhile, the BA2 subtype of Omicron is spreading to different parts of the world. The new variant, the XE, is a mutant hybrid of the two versions BA1 and BA2 of Omicron.

Experts say that XE was first detected in the UK on January 19 and since then less than 600 sequences have been reported and confirmed. According to a study by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), three new recombinant strains, the XD, XE and XF, are currently in vogue. XD represents the hybrid of the delta x BA1 genus of Omicron. It is more commonly found in France, Denmark and Belgium. Tom Peacock, a virologist at Imperial College London, says XD is spreading to more than one country.

XE is a hybrid of Omicron’s BA.1 x BA.2 subspecies. It was found in the UK and showed evidence of social expansion. XF is another hybrid of Omicron’s Delta x BA.1 lineage. Found in the UK but not found after February 15th.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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