June 2, 2024
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Indian women do not want to share husband; Court in case of young woman committing suicide

The court observed that Indian women do not want to share the love of their husbands. The Allahabad High Court has observed that a married woman cannot tolerate sharing her husband with another person.

The Allahabad High Court has upheld the trial court’s order dismissing the petition seeking the removal of the husband accused in his wife’s suicide. The court found that the accused Sushil Kumar was married for the third time and this was the only reason for his wife to commit suicide. The observation was made by a bench of Justice Rahul Chaturvedi.

As for the wife, the court added that her husband’s secret marriage to another woman was a sufficient reason to end her life. “They (Indian wives) are positive about their husbands. It would be a great shock for any married woman to know that her husband is being shared by another woman or that he is going to marry another woman. In such an awkward situation, it is impossible to expect a prudent decision from them. The same thing happened in this case, ”Live Law quoted the bench as saying.

The woman had committed suicide by consuming poison after filing an FIR in the case. Police have launched an investigation and filed a chargesheet against the husband and family members. Defendants first filed a release petition in trial court. After rejecting it, he approached the Allahabad High Court. The High Court also rejected their plea, saying there was evidence to prosecute the accused.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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