June 2, 2024
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Actor Kichcha Sudeep on PM Modi’s Language Remarks: “Overwhelming”

Kichcha Sudeep, whose retort to Bollywood colleague Ajay Devgn in an online exchange last month reignited the debate over Hindi supremacy, welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s remarks on the subject on Friday.
“I had no intention of inciting a riot or a debate. It just happened without any prior planning. It was a viewpoint I expressed. It was an honour and a privilege to witness the Prime Minister’s delivery of certain lines “In an interview with NDTV, he stated.

“For anyone who values and respects their language, seeing him speak in this manner is overwhelming,” Kichcha Sudeep said.

“All languages are welcomed with open arms. I’m not just speaking for Kannada; I’m speaking for… everyone’s mother tongue has been respected today as a result of the Prime Minister’s few statements, and that’s where I was coming from that day. We don’t just see Narendra Modi as a politician; we also see him as a leader “he added.

Last month’s exchange between Kichcha Sudeep and Ajay Devgn, who claimed “Hindi was, is, and will always be our mother tongue and national language,” much to the chagrin of proponents of India’s linguistic diversity, sparked a new round of debate over language primacy in the country.

“I wasn’t attempting to fight anyone. When it comes to certain topics, I have the right to express my thoughts “He clarified his remarks on Friday, dismissing suggestions that the pro-Hindi sentiment stemmed from insecurity in the Hindi film industry.

PM Modi had earlier in the day commented on the controversy, saying that the BJP sees a reflection of Indian culture in every Indian language and believes that every Indian language is worthy of reverence.

“The National Education Policy prioritises local languages, demonstrating our commitment to all regional languages. The BJP considers Indian languages to be the soul of Bharatiyata and the key to the country’s better future “he said.

“This is particularly important because attempts have recently been made to create new controversies based on language. We need to keep reminding the people of the country about this “said the Prime Minister.

Picture Courtesy: Google/Images are subject to copyright


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