June 2, 2024
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“Many Benefits Attached To Alcohol”: Chhattisgarh Minister In Viral Video

On social media, two videos of Dr. Premsai Singh Tekam, a minister in Chhattisgarh, are trending. The Congress leader may be seen speaking about alcohol and car accidents in the two recordings. He can be heard talking about drinking alcohol in one of the videos.

“People talk about alcohol and the harms associated with it, but no one talks about the many benefits also attached to it. Also, when we talk about alcohol, we should remember the proper way of drinking it, there is dilution and there is a proper ratio in which alcohol should be diluted with water,” he can be heard saying at the event.

He may be heard saying in the other video that good roads are more likely to see accidents than bad ones.

“Although we receive calls from people complaining about the state of the roads, no accidents happen on such roads. While individuals drive at top speed in regions with excellent roads and accidents occur there, “The words of the minister can be heard.

Since the tapes were posted, there have been comments on social media about Mr. Tekam’s “credibility” as an education minister.

Picture Courtesy: google/images are subject to copyright


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