June 3, 2024
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PM Modi Unveils Special Coins Marking 75 Years Of Army Youth Division NCC

The Yuva Shakti of India is what is propelling the nation’s progress, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who made the statement at the NCC rally on Saturday.

At the Cariappa Ground in Delhi, the NCC rally was conducted to mark the 75th anniversary. Notably, 196 officers and cadets from 19 other nations took part in the demonstration as well.

In response to the situation, PM Modi said: “The NCC is commemorating 75 years since its founding. It has been a part of those who have represented NCC throughout the past 75 years. I value their contribution to the development of the country. India is proud of the NCC cadets’ tenacity and sense of duty.”

“Both as NCC cadets, and as a youth, you are representing an ‘Amrit Pidhi’ (Amrit generation), which will help in making the country developed and Atmanirbhar. We all witnessed the role, NCC is playing in our lives,” he added.

On the occasion of the celebration of the NCC’s 75 successful years, PM Modi earlier in the day released an unique day cover and a commemorative specially made coin of the denomination of 75.

He was happy to see that there were more women in the paramilitary and police over time.

“The youth of the country are benefiting from India’s defense sector reforms. In the last eight years, the number of our daughters in the police and paramilitary forces has doubled. Today, we see the deployment of women in all three wings of the armed force,” he said.

“The youth are the biggest beneficiaries of the Digital revolution, Startup revolution, or innovation revolution. The country opened the doors of the space sector for the youth. In no time, the first private satellite was launched. Similarly, the animation and gaming sector is a pool of opportunities for the youth,” he further said.

Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright


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