June 2, 2024
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Uzbekistan Child Deaths: 3 Employees Of Noida-Syrup Manufacturer Arrested

Three employees of a city-based pharmaceutical company whose cough medicine is believed to have caused the deaths of 18 children in Uzbekistan last year were detained by the Noida Police on Friday, according to officials.

According to them, the arrests followed the filing of a FIR late Thursday night against five Marion Biotech employees, including two of its directors, in response to a complaint made by a CDSCO drug inspector.

According to the drug inspector who filed the complaint, the central and state drug authorities had examined samples of Marion Biotech’s medications and discovered that 22 of them were “not of standard quality” (adulterated and fictitious).

“Three persons named in the FIR have been arrested, while the two directors of the company are at large. Those arrested are Tuhin Bhattacharya, Head Operation; Atul Rawat, Manufacturing Chemist; and Mool Singh, Analytical Chemist,” Phase 3 police station in-charge Vijay Kumar told PTI.

The CDSCO opened an investigation into Marion Biotech, which has an office in Sector 67 here, after it came under fire in December of last year for its cough medicine Dok-1, which is thought to have killed 18 children who ingested it in Uzbekistan.
Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright

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