May 20, 2024
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Microwave Reheating No-Go: 10 Foods You Should Never Heat Again!

Microwaves have become an indispensable appliance in our kitchens, offering convenience and efficiency when it comes to reheating leftovers. However, it’s essential to note that not all foods are suitable for reheating in a microwave. Reheating certain foods can alter their taste, texture, and even pose health risks. In this blog, we will explore 10 foods that should never be reheated in a microwave and the reasons behind this advice.

  1. Rice: Reheating rice in a microwave can be risky. Uncooked rice often contains spores of Bacillus cereus, a bacterium that can survive cooking. When rice is left at room temperature, these spores can multiply and produce toxins that are resistant to microwave heating. It’s best to cool rice quickly after cooking and refrigerate it promptly. Reheating should be done on the stove to ensure it reaches a high enough temperature to kill any bacteria.
  2. Eggs: Reheating eggs in the microwave can lead to a rubbery or uneven texture. Furthermore, microwaving eggs still in their shell can cause pressure to build up, resulting in an explosion. If you want to reheat eggs, it’s better to do it in a skillet or oven.
  3. Chicken: Reheating chicken in a microwave may lead to uneven heating, leaving some parts undercooked and potentially promoting the growth of harmful bacteria. It’s safer to reheat chicken in an oven or on the stovetop, ensuring it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to kill any bacteria.
  4. Spinach and other leafy greens: Leafy greens, like spinach, contain high levels of nitrates. When reheated in a microwave, these nitrates can convert into harmful nitrites, which have been associated with certain health risks. If you want to reheat leafy greens, opt for stovetop methods.
  5. Potatoes: Reheating potatoes in a microwave can result in an uneven texture and may even cause them to become dry and hard. It’s better to reheat potatoes in the oven or on the stovetop to maintain their flavor and texture.
  6. Mushrooms: Mushrooms have a high moisture content, and microwaving them can make them rubbery and release excess water. It’s preferable to sauté or cook mushrooms in a skillet to retain their texture and flavor.
  7. Breaded foods: Microwaving breaded foods such as chicken nuggets or fish sticks can make them soggy and lose their crispy coating. To regain their crispiness, it’s best to use a conventional oven or toaster oven.
  8. Dairy products: Most dairy products, like milk or yogurt, can separate or curdle when heated in a microwave. This can result in an unappetizing texture and taste. If you need to warm dairy products, use gentle heat on the stovetop.
  9. Delicate seafood: Delicate seafood such as shrimp, scallops, or fish can easily overcook or become rubbery in the microwave. To preserve their delicate texture, it’s better to cook them using alternative methods like steaming or sautéing.
  10. Grapes: Grapes, both whole and cut, can explode when heated in a microwave. The high water content in grapes creates steam, causing them to burst. It’s best to avoid microwaving grapes altogether.


While microwaves are a convenient kitchen tool, it’s crucial to be aware of the foods that should not be reheated in them. Reheating certain foods in a microwave can lead to undesirable changes in taste, texture, and even pose health risks. Opt for alternative methods such as stovetop, oven, or skillet reheating for these foods to ensure both safety and delicious results.


Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright


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