June 26, 2024
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Country inching towards ‘One Country One Election’

The latest developments indicate that the country is inching towards the creation of ‘One Country One Election’ policy.

The central government has invited the leaders of all major political parties to attend the proposed June 19 meeting to discuss the possibility of the development of the ambitious policy.

The NDA has been pushing for the formation of the policy since the day it entered the corridor of power in the country in the year 2014.

The policy is less likely to win the support of the opposition parties. All major opposition parties, especially the regional parties, are likely to oppose the policy.

The policy, if implemented, will increase the prospects of the BJP-led NDA winning another term in the next general election.

The positive side is that. The policy, if come into force, will considerably reduce the election expense of the country in the near future.

The policy attracts mixed reaction. When some see it as an effective way to bring down the election expense, others see it as a tactical measure to increase the political clout of the ruling party in the segment of electoral politics.

The people of the nation want the policy to be discussed in an apolitical manner. Its merits and demerits must be carefully analyzed, and the best must be bring out of it for the good of the people of the country.

The blatant politicisation of the topic will only help to reduce the space for the discussion. The leaders of the political parties must keep this in their minds when they enter for the discussion.

Photo Courtesy: Google/ images are subject to copyright


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