Haryana To Introduce Live Map Technology To Identify Accident-Prone Areas
According to officials, Haryana is employing ‘live map’ technology to pinpoint accident-prone locations in the state. According to Haryana Chief Secretary Sanjeev Kaushal, this technology instantly creates a grid for these locations on the live map and provides the police with information about them right away.
As he presided over the Road Safety Fund Management Committee meeting in this location, he gave the order that all stakeholder departments, including the police, public works, health, transportation, and urban local bodies, be given access to the data from live map technology so that special attention can be paid to such accident-prone areas to reduce road accidents throughout the state.
According to Mr. Kaushal, large vehicles changing lanes frequently is one of the main reasons for accidents on highways.
He gave the responsible officials instructions to make sure that all of the highways had proper lighting, signboards, and landscaping. In addition, reflective tapes and sign boards should be installed to lower the likelihood of accidents in “blind spots” and crossings at night.
According to an official statement, the committee agreed a budget of around 36 crore for this year’s road safety initiatives and infrastructure improvements.
According to the chief secretary, the District Road Safety Committees should receive their budgets in a coordinated manner.
He instructed the district committees to create a chart outlining the various road safety initiatives that will be undertaken this year and to make sure that the money given to them are used appropriately.
The higher education department is running a campaign to educate college students about road safety precautions, it was revealed during the conference.
The higher education department was given 1.20 crore rupees for this effort to organise various awareness campaigns and widespread publicising of traffic safety laws, according to the statement.
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