May 20, 2024
Home Posts tagged Dengue Fever
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10 Essential Lifestyle Tips for Dengue Prevention: Safeguarding Your Health Against Mosquito-Borne Threats

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral disease that affects millions of people worldwide each year. The dengue virus is primarily transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, which thrives in tropical and subtropical regions. While there is no specific cure for dengue, prevention plays a crucial role in controlling its spread. By adopting certain lifestyle habits, you […]Continue Reading

Diseases to be cautioned during Flood

Flood is a serious natural disaster. The important reason why it is one of the most dangerous natural disasters is because this disaster has several unwelcoming repercussions for the area, where it is affected. The main repercussion is this natural disaster’s ability to trigger and spread several deadly viruses in the affected areas. Leptospirosis, cholera, […]Continue Reading