June 25, 2024
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Truecaller Launches AI Voice Cloning Feature with Microsoft’s Personal Voice Technology

Truecaller, one of India’s leading caller ID services, is set to unveil an innovative AI-powered feature that mimics users’ voices to answer calls on their behalf. This new AI Assistant leverages Microsoft’s ‘Personal Voice’ technology, which was introduced as part of Azure AI speech last year. The feature, exclusive to Truecaller Premium subscribers, requires users to record a brief voice sample, enabling the AI to replicate it during calls. In addition to mimicking voices, the AI Assistant can screen incoming calls and inform users about the purpose of the call.

The introduction of ‘Personal Voice’ marks a significant upgrade from Truecaller’s existing voice answering options. This feature replaces the current Truecaller Assistant, allowing users to edit the introductory greeting to inform callers they are interacting with a digital voice version. Subscribers can also customize follow-up responses according to their preferences. Microsoft’s Azure AI Speech, accessible to a limited audience, includes a watermarking feature to distinguish synthetic audio, ensuring transparency and authenticity.

Truecaller plans to roll out the ‘Personal Voice’ feature in the coming weeks for public beta users in several countries, including India, the US, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Chile, and South Africa. This launch follows a series of recent enhancements, such as AI-driven spam call detection, transcription and summary generation for recordings, and the introduction of a web version of the app for Android users, reinforcing Truecaller’s commitment to leveraging AI for improved user experiences.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright



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