June 26, 2024
Featured News

Illicit arms licence racket busted

Rising concerns about the security of the National Capital Region, an arms license racket has been busted by the police officials at Gurgaon located near the NCR area. It is learned that two persons, named Mohan Lal and his mentor Manish Bhardwaj, have been booked by the Gurgaon police in relation with the crime. As per the report, when a search operation has been conducted at the residence of the kingpin of the gang, Manish, several illegal weapons and fake licence documents have been recovered. It is identified that there is a huge demand for the arms licence in the NCR area. Most of them consider having an arms licence as a prestigious thing. Some people also find it as a best asset to grab a decent job in the private security industry, which has recently witnessed a tremendous increase in its demand. The new arms policies make it easier for the people living in the North Eastern region and Jammu Kashmir region to get an arms licence legally. Experts say that as the licence obtained from this region is valid across the country, the people who are in search for this licence are approaching the agents who know the shortcuts to approach the authorities of these states. Thus, the demand increases. As the supply is not enough to quench the demand, the illicit rackets capable of making forged documents fills the gap, the experts added. According to the report, this illegal gang has been functioning in the region for last three years and it has given fake arms licences to many people by charging over three lakh rupees.


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