June 1, 2024
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Actor Arun Gowda and friends harassed 4 people for not standing during national anthem played at theater

On October 23 at PVR Orion Mall during the screening of the Tamil movie ‘Asuran’. Actor Arun Gowda and his friends can be seen trying to shame the four people for allegedly choosing to sit while the national anthem was played.

“When the nation anthem came on, these guys didn’t stand. Look at these guys. Just look at their faces once again. They are telling us to file a complaint,” Arun Gowda is seen saying to the camera. He then continues shooting the video, where his friends are seen loudly yelling at the four people. In the background, one can also hear a person using Kannada expletives at the four people.

Actor Arun recorded a video of them, Aishwarya slammed them for the same, which forced them to walk out of the theater. In the video, it can be seen that two men and two women sat in their seats while others were arguing with them for not standing up during the national anthem. In the background, one can also hear a person using Kannada expletives at the four people. Despite multiple attempts at ending the conflict, Arun Gowda and his friends can be seen calling out to people to remove the four persons in question from the theater.

About 20 members of the audience forced them to leave the cinema hall and one of the girl students recorded the crowd shouting at them when they were leaving. “The video went viral on news channels and we came to know about the incident. But so far, no one came to file a case,” a police officer said.

Arun Gowda said, “The students did not stand up when the crowd asked them to. They said that this was not mandatory. Then one from the crowd said if army personnel can stand the whole day for us why can’t you stand for a minute? This led to an argument and the crowd started shouting shame shame and forced them to leave the hall.” The video was uploaded on social media and later deleted as the students’ identities were seen.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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