June 2, 2024
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Priyanka Mohite is the first Indian woman to summit five peaks over 8,000 metres

After climbing Mount Kanchenjunga on Thursday, Priyanka Mohite of Satara in western Maharashtra became the first Indian woman to scale five peaks above 8,000 metres.

At 4.52 p.m., Priyanka Mohite (30), the recipient of the Tenzing Norgay Adventure Award 2020, completed her expedition to Mount Kanchenjunga (8,586 m), the world’s third highest mountain,” her brother Akash Mohite told PTI.

She became the first Indian woman to climb Mt Annapurna (8,091 m), the world’s tenth highest mountain peak, in April 2021. Priyanka Mohite is the first Indian woman to summit five peaks over 8,000 metres.

In 2013, Priyanka Mohite ascended Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak. After climbing Mount Kanchenjunga on Thursday, Priyanka Mohite of Satara in western Maharashtra became the first Indian woman to scale five peaks above 8,000 metres.

At 4.52 p.m., Priyanka Mohite (30), the recipient of the Tenzing Norgay Adventure Award 2020, completed her expedition to Mount Kanchenjunga (8,586 m), the world’s third highest mountain,” her brother Akash Mohite told PTI. She became the first Indian woman to climb Mt Annapurna (8,091 m), the world’s tenth highest mountain peak, in April 2021.

Priyanka Mohite also climbed Mount Everest (8,849 metres) in 2013, Mount Lhotse (8,516 metres) in 2018, Mount Makalu (8,485 metres), and Mount Kilimanjaro (5,895 metres) in 2016.

Ms Mohite, who has been interested in mountaineering since childhood, began scaling mountains in Maharashtra’s Sahyadri range as a teenager and in 2012 scaled Bandarpunch, a mountain massif in Uttarakhand’s Garhwal division of the Himalayas. Priyanka Mohite climbed Mt. Menthosa in Himachal Pradesh in 2015, which stands at 6,443 metres and is the second highest peak in the Lahaul and Spiti district.

The climber from Bengaluru was also awarded the Maharashtra Government’s Shiv Chhatrapati State Award for Adventure Sports for 2017-2018.

Picture Courtesy: Google/Images are subject to copyright


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