June 3, 2024
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Supreme Court Extends Relief To Congress’s Pawan Khera Till March 3 Over PM Remarks

The interim bail granted to Congressman Pawan Khera in a case involving his alleged offensive remarks against Prime Minister Narendra

Modi was extended by the Supreme Court on Monday until March 3. In the matter, Mr. Khera was detained by the Assam Police last Thursday.

A three-judge panel led by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud took note of Solicitor General Tushar Mehta’s claims that the state police intended to submit its response while speaking on behalf of Assam. Garima Prasad, a second attorney general acting on behalf of Uttar Pradesh, also said that she would submit a response to the case.

The court took note of the arguments and set the hearing date for Mr. Khera’s appeal for March 3. The bench made it plain that the interim bail that was granted to him on February 23 will be in effect up until that time.

Upon his deplaning from a flight to Raipur, Mr. Khera was detained at the Delhi airport in relation to his purported statements against PM Modi, which were made at a press conference on February 17 in Mumbai.

Afterwards, a Delhi Magisterial court granted him bail.

Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright


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