June 26, 2024
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Government Takes Firm Stance Against Deepfake Threat, Plans Strategy to Safeguard Digital Integrity

In a resolute move to counter the escalating dangers of deepfake technology, Union Minister for Electronics and Information Technology and Communications, Ashwini Vaishnaw, spearheaded a high-level meeting today. Attended by key government officials and cybersecurity experts, the meeting aimed to craft a robust strategy to confront the challenges posed by deepfake content. This strategic session came in the wake of the Minister’s recent directives issued to major social media platforms, compelling them to swiftly identify and eliminate deepfake content.

Addressing the media on November 18, Ashwini Vaishnaw underscored the gravity of the deepfake predicament, stating, “Deepfake is a big issue for all of us.” Acknowledging the initial responsiveness of social media platforms to the notices, the Minister stressed the necessity for a more proactive approach in combating this threat. Vaishnaw also cautioned that the ‘Safe Harbour’ Clause, a protection traditionally extended to these platforms, might not apply if adequate measures against deepfakes were not taken.

Today’s high-level meeting, chaired by Ashwini Vaishnaw, focused on formulating comprehensive strategies to detect, confront, and eliminate deepfake content. With the active involvement of government officials and cybersecurity experts, the discussions centered on devising a robust framework to safeguard against the misuse of deepfake technology. As concerns about misinformation and the peril of manipulated content intensify, the government’s proactive engagement with social media platforms underscores a steadfast commitment to preserving the authenticity of digital content and shielding citizens from the detrimental impacts of falsified information.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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