June 2, 2024
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Joggers Run In Half-Marathon Across Ladakh’s Frozen Lake

75 runners took part in the world’s highest frozen lake half marathon at the Pangong Lake in Ladakh, braving sub-zero conditions at a height of 13,000 feet.

In videos from the event, participants can be seen jogging carefully on the icy lake to prevent slipping. Observers can be heard encouraging the runners as they slowly make their way through the lake, which registers a chilly minus 30 degrees Celsius in the winter. The union territory held its first-ever 21-km trail running event, the four-hour half marathon, on Monday from Lukung to Maan village. The activity has now established a Guinness World Record for the highest half-marathon on a frozen lake.

The marathon’s purpose was to promote sustainable winter tourism in border villages in eastern Ladakh and create job possibilities for locals, particularly during the winter months.

To safeguard the safety of the runners, members of the Union Territory Disaster Response Force and the Ladakh Mountain Guide Association were stationed throughout the course. After careful examination and measurement of the frozen ice layer, the path was chosen.

Following the event’s successful conclusion, the runners received awards such medals and certificates, and the winners of the first, second, and third places in both the men’s and women’s categories also received cash prizes.

Picture Courtesy: Google/images are subject to copyright


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