June 18, 2024
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NIA Raids Bengaluru Locations in LeT Radicalization Case; Arrests Six Suspects

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) carried out extensive raids across multiple locations in Bengaluru, uncovering a concerning case linked to the radicalization of prisoners by a Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist. The agency’s statement confirmed the searches at six locations, including the residences of four accused individuals, with one still evading authorities. Among the seized items during the raids were digital devices, incriminating documents, and a substantial sum of ₹ 7.3 lakh in cash. This operation comes as part of the ongoing investigations into the radicalization and alleged terror plans, shedding light on a network involving Mohammed Umar, Mohammed Faisal Rabbani, Tanveer Ahmed, Mohammed Farooq, and Junaid Ahmed—who is currently on the run.

The genesis of this case stems from the Bengaluru City Police’s discovery of arms, ammunition, and communication devices, including pistols, hand grenades, magazines, live rounds, and walkie-talkies. Initially, five individuals were apprehended, and subsequent interrogations led to the arrest of one more, bringing the total arrests in this case to six. The NIA took custody of all six accused individuals after initiating its investigation on October 25.

The investigation revealed a disturbing narrative wherein the accused, while incarcerated at Bengaluru’s Central Prison, came into contact with LeT terrorist and life convict T Naseer, who allegedly radicalized and recruited them for potential terror activities. Upon their release, these individuals, under the leadership of Junaid Ahmed and allegedly directed by T Naseer, conspired to orchestrate terror attacks. Junaid, previously involved in a case of red sandalwood smuggling in 2021 and still evading arrest, maintained regular encrypted communication with the other accused. Moreover, he purportedly provided financial support for procuring arms and ammunition, ensuring their safekeeping.

The NIA’s findings underscore a deeply concerning network involving radicalization within the prison system and a subsequent collaboration aimed at perpetrating acts of terror, necessitating thorough investigations and heightened vigilance in curbing such activities.

Pic Courtesy: google/ images are subject to copyright


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